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Doctor woman with stethoscope
Doctor woman with stethoscope

The same things that make pregnancy miraculous and beautiful can also be completely terrifying. While billions of cells are dividing to create a new human life, the female body’s organs shift and the body prepares for the onslaught of demands that carrying a growing baby requires. 

But what do you do if things really don’t feel right — as in, that gut intuition that tells you that this time it may be something more serious than swollen feet? First, trust that voice but don’t panic. It’s common to have a few freak-outs during the 40 weeks of pregnancy — so common, in fact, that we’ve listed the top five worries that can arise during pregnancy. 

Of course, always consult with your doctor if you’re concerned. 

The baby’s not moving

Looking back, I’m sure all of my “no-but-this-time-for-real” phone calls to my obstetrician were met with a mixture of humor and exasperation, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right? But it turns out that, according to my informal survey of other mom friends, this particular fear is very common. It could be that you’ve been busy all day and haven’t taken the time to notice the baby’s movements, or that she’s sleeping. Take some time to rest and tune in with your body to see if you can feel anything. If, after an unusual length of time all you’re getting is silence, call your OB.

Birth defects

Everyone wishes to have a healthy baby, and the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor here. And along the way, if you so choose, there are plenty of tests to give you added reassurance. Don’t fall into the anxiety-inducing trap of  the “what if’” game. Instead, pay attention to potential warning signs and talk to your OB about specific concerns and family history, which should help to put your fears at ease. 

Premature labor

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, preterm births in the United States occurred in 1 in 9 infants in 2012. While that may sound like a lot, many of these births happened later in the pregnancy, around 34 to 36 weeks, reducing the likelihood of serious complications. To make sure you deliver as close to full term as possible, cut out all smoking and alcohol consumption, attend regular prenatal visits with your OB and take a prenatal vitamin with folic acid.

Labor will be hard/painful/terrifying

Well, yes. But it doesn’t have to feel akin to a horror film. We’ve come a long way in pain management during childbirth. If you want to stay drug-free, water therapy and relaxation techniques can mitigate pain. But if you want to pull out all the pain-relieving stops, an epidural and various opioids are on tap as well.

Embarrassing things will happen during delivery

The screaming, the pooping, the crying, the passing gas -— it’s all part and parcel of bringing life into the world. I speak from experience, if that helps. 

But the good news is that you won’t care when you’re in the moment because you’ll be too preoccupied or in too much pain to notice. 

Plus, the doctors have seen it all, and it’s unlikely you’re going to surprise these old pros with something novel.