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 The internet is filled with warnings about using these powerful oils on pets – especially cats. But there are people who swear by them.
The internet is filled with warnings about using these powerful oils on pets – especially cats. But there are people who swear by them.
Jessica Peralta, 2017

The use of essential oils for pets is a bit of a controversial topic. The internet is filled with warnings about using these powerful oils on pets – especially cats. But there are people who swear by them. “Not all essential oils are created equal. Many are created for the scent industry, and those don’t contain therapeutic properties,” said Shelley Gardea, an Orange County-area Young Living Essential Oils specialist who teaches classes about pets and essential oils at Top Dog Barkery in Huntington Beach. Top Dog Barkery also sells its own line of essential oils called K9 Essentials.

“There are different grades of oils, and while they might smell nice, I wouldn’t trust a lower-cost hybrid. Many oils on the market are adulterated versions of essential oils; some of them are even synthetic, which could do your pet more harm than good.”

Gardea suggested purchasing oils from a supplier you trust, grown without pesticides or toxic fertilizers; oils should be in glass, dark containers like amber or cobalt blue to protect them from light. And avoid oils with fragrance because they’re most likely synthetic.

For use on your pup, dilute the oil with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba and use it in moderation. For smaller dogs, mix one drop of oil to four to five drops of a carrier oil, Gardea suggests. For larger dogs, two drops of essential oil can be mixed with two of carrier. Rub the diluted oil into your hands, then stroke it into your animal’s fur. Avoid placing oils directly in your dog’s ears, eyes, nose and/or genital area.

What about cats?

“Cats lack a liver enzyme that allows them to break down certain compounds, which makes them sensitive to essential oils that are high in phenols found in many ‘hot’ oils (like thyme and oregano),” said Gardea, adding that cats generally have an aversion to citrus oils.

While essential oils should be used on pets only after research and consulting with your veterinarian, there are many potential benefits.

Essential oils to try

Lavender: This gentle oil can help support skin issues, calm anxiety and even repel fleas. It also has antibacterial properties and can help prevent itching and soothe skin irritation. Try adding it to water in a glass spray bottle to make a spritzer, or you can put two to five drops on your palms, rub them together and gently rub your pet along his spine, neck and stomach.

Copaiba: This is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory oils. It’s also known to magnify the effects of other essential oils and help support healing.

DiGize: A Young Living blend containing tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise and patchouli, this oil may help with digestive issues, parasites, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and car and motion sickness.

Frankincense: This safe and versatile oil is widely used to support the immune system, nervous system, emotional balance, skin and much more. It can be used to help with seizures, tumors, cysts and brain disorders, and has been used in many holistic veterinary hospitals.

Peppermint: Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory, peppermint essential oil can also help with nausea and pain relief. It can be helpful when dogs are overheated, so can be useful for long hikes.

For more information about classes or oils for your pets, contact Gardea at